happy chocolate (oops i mean easter) long weekend

5 04 2010

Well hello everyone, sorry bout me being a bit slack of late regarding this blog. And to make it worse I have nothing interesting to say today either!

But let me start by saying Happy (belated) Easter. To be honest easter has always been a bit of a dud for me. I know there are religious connotations about easter but really it is all just about the chocolate isn’t it? But for someone who doesn’t like chocolate it is a real bummer. As a kid Mum and Dad would buy chocolate easter eggs and I would see the crazy smile on my sister’s face when she woke to find the chocolate easter eggs on the floor next to her bed.  Her chocolate would last about half the day before it was gone. Mine on the other hand would last for months, in fact usually until it turned white and started to taste a little odd (from my perspective more than usual!). I have unwittingly handed this down to my mini-me, my niece Ruby, who like her aunt does not really like chocolate. I’m sorry Rube’s but I understand what you are feeling this easter! Thank goodness for marshmallow though!

So what exciting stuff have I got up to in Africa this long weekend? Hmm, let me see, absolutely nothing. I have sat in my room for four days straight with my only outings to the gym. But I did make some new friends. Let me introduce  you to Skype, YouTube & Google, my new best friends!!! I’ve dined with them, lounged with them, talked to them (I admit it, and they really are great listeners) and even drank with them. So cheers, here’s to you Internet. Let’s hope we continue to have a long and continuous relationship before mr power outage separates us yet again.

Hmm I am in an unusual mood. I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I have not spoken to anyone for a few days. Can you say loopy Lorrin?



2 responses

7 04 2010

I am sure Easter could not have been that bad!! See you soon Mum

5 05 2010

oh, poor lorrin, and i’ve read this so late that now you’ve had lots of time to become sane again, and visitors to show around! that must have been good. enjoy your final month and see you soon!!

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